Bail Reduction Motion

Bail is the money paid to release a defendant from jail and is held by the court pending resolution of the case. The amount of bail paid usually increases depending on the severity of the crime and is held as an assurance to the court that the defendant will return for the proceedings. The attorneys at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall offer strategic advocacy and support to clients and families interested in obtaining a bail reduction or superior bail options for those who are currently incarcerated. If you or a loved one has been arrested and is currently being held in jail, a lawyer on our staff is well equipped to help you. Our goal is always to secure release from incarceration with as minimum hardship as possible. In some situations, we can actually resolve the case during the bail reduction motion through negotiations and diversionary programs. Take advantage of a free consultation at our New Brunswick office. You may also reach us by telephone 24/7 at 732-246-71126.

Should You Secure a Bail Bond?

When a friend or relative is arrested, your first instinct may be to obtain bail through a bail bond agent. Before pursuing a bail bond, our firm can help you explore your other options, including a bail reduction motion and/or whether a 10 percent option is available. The reason we say this is because the fee for a bail bond agent or bail bondsmen to post their bond is typically ten (10) percent of the bail amount and this fee is non-refundable. When you post bail directly with the court, whether it be full bail or under a 10 percent option, the bail money deposited with the court is refunded at the conclusion of the criminal case. There are, accordingly, financial savings to posting bail that should be explored in many case before rushing to hire a bail bondsman. At a minimum, a quick bail motion can result in significant savings when it comes to securing a bond (e.g. a reduction of bail from $100,000 to $50,000 will result in a $5,000 savings on a bond fee).

How Do I File a Bail Reduction or Bail Modification Motion?

Typically, an experienced criminal lawyer like those at our New Brunswick or Woodbridge office, can prepare and file a bail motion within twenty four (24) hours. It then takes a few days before the related bail hearing is conducted by a judge at the Superior Court. At the hearing, defense counsel has the opportunity, as does the defendant, to argue why the bail should be reduced (e.g. the accused is not a flight risk, has strong ties to the community, etc.) and/or modified by the court (e.g. allow a 10 percent as opposed to straight cash or bond). A ruling is issued at the conclusion of the hearing. Bail can usually be secured within a matter of hours of the ruling should the defendant have the money or security to fulfill the bail that is set.

New Brunswick NJ Bail Reduction Lawyer

When it comes to securing bail, it is important that the attorney you choose has the desire and resources to work swiftly. This is of paramount importance otherwise you or your loved one will serve unnecessary jail time that a timely bail motion could have eliminated. We work at the Middlesex County Superior Court in New Brunswick almost every day and know the process and personnel involved in filing a bail motion as cleanly as possible. An attorney on our staff is ready to assist you in this regard anytime of day. Give us a call at 732-246-7126.

Bail Resources For Your Assistance