How to Select the Right Middlesex Gun Attorney Near Me?

No matter the conditions of your arrest or indictment for a weapon charge, you are innocent until proven guilty. You have the right to a legal defense and will want to be sure that you have a skilled Middlesex County weapon defense attorney if you are facing this type of charge at the Superior Court in New Brunswick.

The lawyer you hire will need not only experience defending gun and other weapon charges and familiarity with the court system, but also have actual trial experience in this area of law. The penalties for unlawful possession of a handgun and other offenses of this nature carry devastating penalties so prosecutors sparingly offer pleas that do not include prison. This results in trials in a much higher percentage of gun cases than other types of criminal cases if you do not want to serve a period of incarceration. You therefore definitely want to make trial experience an important consideration in your selection process.

The weapons lawyers at Marshall Criminal Defense have exactly what you need and should certainly be a prime candidate in your selection of counsel in Middlesex County. In particular, Jason Seidman, would be an excellent attorney to represent you given his vast trial experience, skill in this area of law, and keen relationship with the court system and prosecutor’s office. Indeed, he was the Director of the Guns Task Force for the entire county.