Call Our New Brunswick Firm For Immediate Assistance

Our defense attorneys represent many individuals charged with marijuana distribution in New Brunswick. This only makes sense since we are the largest criminal firm in region and are located directly across from the Superior Court of Middlesex County in New Brunswick where all cases involving manufacturing, distributing or dispensing marijuana are handled. If you are facing a first, second, third or fourth degree crime for selling or distributing marijuana in New Brunswick, the lawyers at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall are excellent candidates to represent you. We have over 100 years of experience defending individuals arrested for growing and possession with intent to distribute marijuana from our New Brunswick Office. To speak to a New Brunswick marijuana distribution lawyer, including Jason Seidman, the former director of the Gangs, Guns and Drugs Task Force at the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office, call 732-246-7126.
First Degree Distribution of Marijuana
The most severe variety of manufacturing, possession with intent to distribute or selling marijuana offense someone can face in New Brunswick is a first degree crime. This grade of offense is triggered where someone is convicted of distribution of 25 pounds or more of marijuana or for growing/cultivating 50 or more marijuana plants. An individual can also face a separate first degree crime for as a drug kingpin or for maintaining a CDS production facility. The penalties that apply under N.J.S.A. 2C:35-5 at the time of sentencing include 10-20 years in prison and a fine of up to $300,000.
Second Degree Distribution of Marijuana
It is a second degree crime to distribute at least five pounds but less than 25 pounds of marijuana. An individual can also face a second degree crime for selling marijuana where the distribution occurs within 500 feet of a a public park or housing project. A conviction for second degree distribution of marijuana includes 5-10 years in prison and a fine that can reach $150,000.
Third Degree Distribution of Marijuana
If you distribute at least an ounce but less than five pounds of marijuana, that conduct is a third degree crime. It is also a separate third degree crime to be in possession with intent to distribute in school zone. A conviction for distributing marijuana in the third degree carries up to five years of incarceration and a fine of up to $25,000.
Fourth Degree Distribution of Marijuana
Although all marijuana distribution violations are felonies in New Jersey, the lowest grade someone can face is fourth degree distribution. This offense applies where the conduct involves distributing less than one ounce of marijuana. The penalties for this charge are the same as those which apply for fourth degree possession of marijuana in New Brunswick. You can be sent to state prison for up to 18 months and fined up to $10,000.
Possession With Intent to Distribute Marijuana Attorneys in New Brunswick
Our team of possession with intent to distribute marijuana attorneys are ready to speak to you in a free initial consultation. You are also invited to contact our firm to arrange a face to face meeting at our office in New Brunswick. Lawyers are available 24/7 to assist you by calling us at 732-246-7126.