Call Our Local East Brunswick Office To Speak To A Former Prosecutor In The Town About Your Obstructing, Simple Assault, Resisting Arrest, Drug Paraphernalia, Harassment or Other Disorderly Persons Offense

The most common variety of criminal offense in East Brunswick are those falling within the category of disorderly persons offenses. Although this variety of violation is the equivalent of a misdemeanor, a conviction results in a record and penalties that can seriously affect your live. If you are found guilty of one of these charges you can actually be sent to jail for up to six (6) months. Collateral consequences like a driver’s license suspension are also common with many East Brunswick Municipal Court convictions for some form of disorderly persons offense. The good thing is that our former prosecutors and defense attorneys have a robust history of downgrades and dismissals in these cases. When you have been practicing as long as we have, over 100 years collectively between the 9 lawyers on our defense staff, you learn was is effective and what is not in a court. If you were arrested for a disorderly persons offense in East Brunswick, we have an attorney with the skill and knowledge you need to get results. Call us 24/7 for a free initial consultation at 732-227-1200.
East Brunswick NJ Disorderly Persons Charge
There are probably well over a hundred different offenses that are considered disorderly persons offenses under the New Jersey Criminal Code. Some of these violation arise common often than others. The following are the most popular charges issued by the East Brunswick Police Department:
- Simple Assault
- Disorderly Conduct
- Obstructing the Administration of Justice
- Resisting Arrest
- Possession of 50 Grams or Less of Marijuana
- Drug Paraphernalia
- Underage Alcohol Possession
- Harassment
- Shoplifting Less Than $200 in Merchandise
Our attorneys all recognize the tendency of individuals to underestimate the ramifications of charges like these. The stories of individuals appearing on disorderly persons offenses without representation only to find out following a guilty plea that their immigration status, job, driving privileges or liberty has been comprised. Do not make the same mistake as these offenses can result in significant ramifications.
Penalties That Apply In Most Disorderly Persons Cases
As previously stated, anyone who is found guilty of a disorderly persons offense will have a record. This conviction will remain on your record for a minimum of five (5) years. This means that every employer, licensing board, Immigration Service or other entity checking your background will see that you have a criminal record and that this will remain the case for at least five (5) years. You will also be subject to a county jail term of up to six (6) months and a fine that can be as high as $1,000. Many disorderly persons offenses also carry the potential for a driver’s license suspension of six (6) months (e.g. possession of marijuana or drug paraphernalia, underage drinking, possession of a fake ID).
Disorderly Persons Offense Defense Lawyers in East Brunswick NJ
Irrespective of which disorderly persons offense you happen to be facing, our East Brunswick Criminal Firm is equipped with the attorneys to help you escape a conviction. Our experience has historical been of achieving dismissal or a downgrade in an extremely high percentage of cases. We are prepared to utilize our knowledge and skill to obtain a similar outcome for you. To speak to an attorney free of charge, contact us at 732-227-1200.
Related East Brunswick Resource Pages
- East Brunswick Simple Assault Lawyers
- Disorderly Conduct Attorney in E. Brunswick NJ
- Criminal Defense Attorneys in East Brunswick New Jersey
- East Brunswick NJ Shoplifting Lawyer
- Underage Drinking Offense in East Brunswick